Posted by Lea · January 19th 2012
Well not quite… but sales figures from Rockdoor prove that Black composite doors have grown in popularity so much, that they have overtaken all other colours such as red, green and blue by some margin.
The much sought after Black Rockdoor is the second most popular colour behind white Rockdoors, as Black complements many styles of a property regardless of the brick colour. Popular styles of Black doors include the ever-popular Jacobean & Windsor, but increasingly new styles such as the Portland & Newark, are being chosen by homeowners in contemporary Black.
Each Black composite door leaving the Rockdoor production line features revolutionary Heat Shield technology, designed to prevent dark coloured doors from absorbing heat. Composite Doors from Rockdoor, whether for a front door, a back door, a French door or a stable door do not crack, bend, twist or warp… guaranteed.