Posted by Lea · April 22nd 2016
We’re proud to offer the widest range of A++ Composite Doors in the UK
Our full range of composite doors includes front doors, back doors, stable doors, double doors and French doors in 28 different door styles with an energy rating of A++ to choose from.
With some composite and GRP door manufacturers claiming they offer A++, how do you know exactly what you are getting when you order a door for your home? This is where the BFRC comes in; the BFRC is an independent authority that verifies the energy efficiency ratings of doors and windows across the UK giving them a rainbow rating, similar to those that can be found on white goods such as fridges, freezers and washing machines.
Checking the BFRC Rating Band of your door couldn’t be easier, simply visit the website to search for the door manufacturer and view the results.
Our Energy Ratings are below, and as you can see our premium range of Rockdoors, the Ultimate series, achieves an A or A++ rating.
There are various factors that can affect the energy rating of a composite door, including whether the door features glass and/or the chosen glass design. Rockdoors with clear backing glass achieve a higher energy rating than those with an obscure design as it allows us to use Soft Coat Glass during the manufacturing process which ensures maximum solar gain whilst minimising heat loss contributing to us achieving A++ on our range of Ultimate doors.
Paired with various other latest technologies including S Glaze and carbon fibre reinforcement you can rest assured that a Rockdoor composite door will keep the heat where you want it, in your home!
Don’t get caught out, many door manufacturers claim to offer something that they can’t achieve with the processes and materials they use, a quick and easy check on the BFRC website will put your mind at ease and will ensure you know exactly what you are paying for.
Want to know more about Rockdoor? Download our latest brochure or find a local installer near you today.