Posted by Lea · May 11th 2011
All Rockdoors which include side frames now feature a new 7mm Aluminium Coupling Bar to provide a multitude of benefits – in terms of ease of fitting, strength and security for homeowners and product aesthetics. The previous 19mm coupling bar used on front doors and back doors was clearly visible when joining frames, both inside and out.
The new composite door coupling bar measures only 7mm, which dramatically reduces sightlines meaning it will be a winner with both homeowners and installers. Fitters will also prefer the new Coupler as its Aluminium rather than Steel, making it much easier to drill through. Because of this, the new Coupler does not come predrilled so as to allow fitters to line through onsite for ease of installation. Another major advantage for fitters is the finishing trims – which can now be face fixed after the coupler is secured, rather than having to clamp the trims in-between the frames whilst trying to couple together.
This simple but effective improvement will dramatically reduce the time taken to install and can mask any minor imperfections caused by fixing points. Although smaller, the new composite door Coupling bar is just as strong as our previous Coupling bar and has successfully passed our own testing which often exceeds industry benchmarks. As a leading composite door manufacturer, Rockdoor will always strive to improve product quality and strength to benefit our customers.