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A++ Energy Ratings

Is Your Door Really A++ Rated?

At Rockdoor, we are proud to offer the widest range of A++ Composite Doors in the UK.

Rockdoor Composite Door - Before and After

Can you Spot the Difference…

You’d be forgiven for thinking that the two below doors hold the same energy and security rating, after all, a white composite door is the same as any other isn’t it?!

Rockdoor range of composite doors

Rockdoor’s New & Improved Door Designer

As you will have noticed has a new and improved look, and to go with it we have also developed an impressive new Door Designer tool!

Christmas Wreath on Rockdoor Composite Door

Keep Warm and Safe this Christmas

Secure your home with a Rockdoor this Christmas…

Red Portland Beacon Rockdoor Composite Door

A++ for Rockdoor

To achieve such low energy ratings Rockdoor composite doors are manufactured using many innovative techniques unique to a Rockdoor.

A-Rated Rockdoor Composite Doors

A++ Rated Rockdoors are here!

Back in July we wrote an article about the up and coming changes in Door Energy Set Ratings (DSER’s) scheduled for 1st October 2015…

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